Elul–Tishrei Resources

This page gathers Mussar Blues songs and blog posts related to the season of teshuvah, return—the months of Elul and Tishrei, which includes the High Holy Days.

This season is also called Yamim Nora'im, the Days of Awe. The liturgy of these days helps us tap into the awesome power of teshuvah. It's up to us to use that power, to do teshuvah, to make these days meaningful.

Whether you're clergy, an educator, or an individual seeking to deepen your experience of these awesome days, I hope you find these musical resources helpful.

This audio player cycles through music related to Elul and the High Holy Days.

Links below go directly to the song pages for these recordings, where you can also find lyrics, reflections, middot, and images.

Links to Song Pages for Elul & Tishrei
